Attack of the worms

Guys today my sister spotted a worm near her bicycle we let it go thinking it would go away but as soon as we stepped in our house there were tons of them everywhere you look you can see one.

This time we had to kill them my mom told me is because of the rotten rice they came alive they even looked like rice white and small my sisters were so scared

They were even under our carpet,i was like WOW  where did they come from

But one thing is really interesting how did rice come alive,did that ever happen to you.Comment

Note:that really happened

New Club Penguin English Servers Added!

Check this out, Club Penguin has added five new servers. I think this is because so many servers were full for the Music Jam. The names of the servers are Dry Ice, Glacial, Patagonia, Sasquatch,and Snow Covered.


Is it just me or are these the weirdest names ever? Who came up with the name Patagonia? That may possibly be the weirdest thing I have ever heard LOL. Anyway, do you think the new servers will help make Club Penguin less crowded? It seems like the game just keeps on growing.

Get the Music Jam In Your Igloo!

The Music Jam is officially over, but some of the music from the party is here to stay. This Friday there will be new igloo music, and some of it will be from the Music Jam!


Also be sure to check this out. Many penguins liked playing your own instruments at the Lighthouse. If you played, you would here the sound of your instrument. Club Penguin has added this feature to the Lighthouse. Now whenever you play your instrument at the Lighthouse, you will hear your own instrument! How cool is that?!

What do you think about Club Penguin going musical? Do you think this makes Club Penguin more fun or not really?